Intense Pulsated Light Therapy
Intense Pulsed Light Therapy , is a non invasive, yet incredibly effective, procedure used to treat skin conditions such as:
Age Spots
Sun Spots & Pigmentation
Spider veins, Broken Capillaries & Vascular Lesions
IPL aids in boosting collagen production to help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and scarring.
The most common areas to treat are those that have been exposed to the sun, however, treatment is possible on many parts of the body, including the face, neck, decollete, arms, hands and legs.
Noticible results can be seen after the first treatment.
How to Prepare For Your Treament
Avoid direct, excessive sun exposure or tanning for 2 weeks prior to treatment. IPL cannot be done on tan skin, this includes any form of spray tan.
Use of topical products in the area to be treated such as Retinol and AHA’s must be avoided 7 days prior to treatment. Botox, or Fillers must be avoided 14 days prior to treatment.
What to Expecy During Treatment
The treatment itself is quite comfortable. You will see a very bright flash of light and may experience warmth or a slight elastic sensation on the skin.
Post Treatment
Immediately post treatment you may experience some redness. Over the next 24-48 hours you may experience darkening of the treated pigmentation. It may appear to look like "coffee grinds" and will begin to slough off over the course of the week.
An improved appearance in texture, clarity and tone of the skin can be expected after 1 treatment, however multiple treatments may be required for maximum results.